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Home > Corporate Profile > Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Enhancing Corporate Value through Management Transparency

We regard strengthening and enhancing corporate governance as a top management priority, and are working to enhance it.

We introduced an executive officer system with the purpose of clarifying responsibility and authority for business execution and enhancing management agility and further enhancing corporate governance by separating management decision-making and supervisory functions from business execution functions. With the introduction of the executive officer system, the number of directors has been reduced to 6 directors (including 3 outside directors) and 4 corporate auditors (including 2 outside corporate auditors) since June 29, 2022. In principle, the Board of Directors meets once a month to make decisions on important matters and supervise the execution of business, assuming sufficient discussion and sharing of information. There are no special interests between the Outside Directors or Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Company.

With regard to the internal control system, we have established systems to ensure the appropriateness of operations, such as internal audits, information storage, and risk management, and are working to ensure the effectiveness of these systems. With regard to risks expected in the execution of operations, we have established an organizational system that can be managed within the operational flow of each operational division, and are working to establish and develop rules for each operational flow. In particular, we have established a committee system for matters related to the quality and safety of products that are unique to pharmaceutical companies, and address them across internal organizations through the Quality Control Committee, the Safety Evaluation Committee, and the PL Committee.

Corporate Governance Structure